Daydreams - An Ode to Childhood (16mm Film)

Children teach us to be present, to be open to the world as it really is: the tangible, the taste-able, the uninhabited expression of emotion.

16mm film has a shelf life and I had two 100 foot rolls in my refrigerator that were pushing two years old. I knew I needed to make something with them before their colors deteriorated too much, so I thought I would shoot something that would visualize some musing on childhood I had written a few months back. This is that.

This film was shot on a 1959 Bolex 16mm REX 1 hand-crank camera. I employed one roll of Kodak Vision3 50D and one roll of Kodak Vision3 250D. Develop and scan was done by Pro8mm in Burbank. The viewfinder on that first generation of Bolex reflex cameras is so small and dark, it’s really hard to get focus, but it was a good opportunity to work on zone focus.


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